Rapid Fat Loss - Not Rapid Weight Loss

Rapid weight loss is the main desire of most dieters. The problem is that with most rapid weight loss ("fad diets)" that weight loss consists of water and muscle. Both must be protected. You must protect your muscle because it is essential to your successful fat loss. What you want is rapid fat loss.

Here is the truth about dieting successfully: Your body requires, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins-all three to function properly and healthily. You must consume all three in order to lose weight effectively and in the fastest possible manner. Only by consuming all three can you experience permanent weight loss.

There are hundreds of fad diets in the world and each claims to be the best for weight loss. However, most fad diets limit the intake of one or more food groups (protein, fat, or carbohydrates), and as a result they tend to fight against your body's natural metabolic system making continued success impossible.

The most popular diets in recent years have been the "low carb" diets. With these diets you will tend to experience initial weight loss. However, this initial weight loss is composed of water and lean muscle. This is self defeating, considering the fact that you want to only lose fat and not muscle. When you lose water from your muscle cells, you deplete your muscle stores of their stored glycogen which is your muscle fuel. Your body falls back on it's next "easiest to process" stored supply which is the muscle tissue itself. As you lose muscle, you lose strength and your resting metabolism rate drops which in turn makes it even more difficult to burn fat.

Another popular diet is the low fat diet. This will be a difficult diet for to find any success with because as you cut out fats from your diet, you will tend to go into a carbohydrate craving mode which triggers higher insulin levels in your blood. This in turn, causes you to crave carbs as your blood sugar crashes. Low fat diets also tend to adversely affect your hormone processes in your body which can in turn thwart your efforts to lose fat and retain muscle.

A key fact is: Eating the right fats and carbs can actually make you leaner. This is accompanied with the bonus of having increased energy levels and healthy body functions.

You should not eliminate or restrict the consumption of any food group. Diets that limit these will always fail at some point. All food groups (fats, carbs, and proteins) are essential and serve important functions in your body. When eaten in the right quantities and at the right times, they promote a vigorous, lean and healthy body. The key is knowing the right times and quantities.

You can experience - not only rapid fat loss, but permanent weight loss - by avoiding "fad diets" and learning how to work with your body rather than fight against its natural functions.

For the real secrets of losing fat and retaining muscle, here is your source: Show Me How To Lose Fat

Alan Alboa.
Fitness expert with 30 plus years of exercise and diet experience to share, says, "Anyone can lose weight." "Anyone can be more fit. It can be easier than you think."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_Alboa

How to Lose Weight Fast and Safe

Everyone wants to learn how to lose weight fast and safe. Most of us would like to look slimmer and more attractive. It takes a doctor to tell us that we are overweight and risk health issues to get us motivated.

Losing weight too quickly is unhealthy. The body will not be able to adjust to this situation. The correct method to lose weight fast and safe is to combine a sensible diet along with a regimen of exercise conducive to burning calories. This means that weightlifting, though a fine activity, is not to be included in the exercise program.

Do not starve yourself. You will not only end up eating more at one sitting in binge fashion but your body will burn the muscle before the fat, defeating the purpose you were pursuing. In fact, eat more than 2 or 3 meals a day but make them smaller. This give our bodies the extra time they need to deplete calories.

To begin, put together a weekly menu of filling, no-fat foods in smaller portions. Do not make extra food; this will encourage overeating. Nobody really has to tell us that all-you-can-eat deals in our favorite eatery; if still in existence in a poor economy.

Stay away form diving in for a second helping when you eat until some time has gone by. Your body will need time to give you the warning that it has had enough. If you keep eating you will miss this signal and later feel like you overindulged, which you did.

Exercise by moving your feet. This would include buying a bicycle and using it at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes a session. If not, walk or run the same amount of days and time per day. Make sure you walk to the stores instead of waiting for the car to warm up. Get off the bus a stop earlier or later and use your feet. You will be amazed at how these small things will knock the weight off fast. A bonus will be that your appetite will be suppressed by exercise. Forget the diet pills!

After exercising the body will continue to metabolize the food for hours. While this is happening you will be burning calories by doing nothing, adding to your weight loss. This might be the first time you will be burning calories watching television. This will happen only if you just came back from a good workout.

Bradley Doolen writes about many health related issues including weight loss. For more information on this article,go to: http://www.LoseWeightFastAndSafeNow.org.

Lose Weight Fast - The 3 Most Common Mistakes People Are Facing When Trying to Lose Weight Fast

Anybody wanting to lose weight fast is desperately searching for the latest trick to lose weight. This way, they try things like a low carb diet or other diet plans which can bring to poor or no result and can make them think there's no way they will ever lose weight.

What they should know is that there are a right and a wrong way to lose weight. The right way can help to lose weight fast too, as far as the wrong one can drive anybody in a trap they will find hard to get out of.

Here is a list of the most common strategies to lose weight fast and of the mistakes associated with them.

Immediate Results
Nowadays, everybody wants anything "right now". Just to make an example, somebody recently asked me for a method to lose 18lbs in 4 days. Mostly, this is a dissociation from reality. Getting immediate weight loss results (I mean, in a couple of days) is always difficult, especially if you start from a long period of sedentary life.

First of all, you need to get used to exercise, and this takes time for your muscles to adapt. Then, you need to cleanse your organism from all the junk you've been eating for so long. Moreover, you need to adapt to your new healthy habits.

In the end, if you're not losing weight fast at first it shouldn't be a surprise.

The mistake people do is to take this adaptation period as a failure and quit after less then one week, losing any chance for lasting weight loss results.

Low Carb Diets
A low carb diet can be a good strategy in a weight loss plan, but it has some pitfalls as well. It can get you good results fast: you'll realize you're losing weight quickly and you'll be happy about it.

But the biggest mistake about a low carb diet, as for all the other lose weight diet plans, is sticking to it for a long time. The quick efficiency of this strategy would suggest you to go on with it for the rest of your life. Actually, this can cause a strong deficiency which can result in long term weakness and, eventually, severe health problems.

You can reduce the amount of carb your body needs by following a low carb diet, but you need to do it for a short period of time, or your body will suffer from it.

Aerobic Exercise
Aerobics is one of the best form of exercises to lose weight fast. It forces your metabolism to grow and brings your body to burn more energy. When I first decided to lose weight, I spent almost a whole month doing nothing else than cycling, treadmill and other aerobic exercises for 1 to 2 hours 3 times a week. This lead to a consistent weight loss (my first 10 pounds in 17 days).

The most common mistake associated with this kind of approach is that it's not enough all alone and its effects lower as far as you stick to it.

In fact, after some weeks, you body adapts to it, you become more resistant and to have the same benefit in terms of weight loss you need to do more of it. This process can only bring you down through a burn out spiral.

What you need to do instead is balance and alternate it with other types of exercise in order to get the most out of your weight loss plan.

If you are interested in more tips about how to lose weight fast, I invite you to visit our website and to subscribe to our newsletter.

Percy Norris is a contributing author on this website and he is an acknowledged expert in weight loss. He can be found on his website, where you can download your copy of his free report http://weightlossfast.free.fr

7 Tips For Quick Weight Loss

Before you start to diet, the first thing you need to know is your weight loss goal. This will be your ideal weight. This will determine the course of your weight loss journey. Quick weight loss is a relative term. For some people who need to shed only few pounds it may only take a few weeks. For those who want to lose 10-20 pounds, it may take a few months and for the obese it may really take a much longer time. All depends on how focused you are and your goals.

Here are some tips that can help in your quick weight loss journey:

1) You can easily find your ideal weigh using a body mass index calculator. As for the daily caloric intake is concerned, a good thumb rule is to multiply your weight by 20 if you are active, if you are only moderately active then use a multiplication factor of 15 and if you lead a very sedentary lifestyle multiply by 15. This should help you in setting goals for your fat loss journey.

2) Secondly it is important that you closely monitor the food you take. Keep away from high calorie foods. Eat slowly and make sure to chew your food properly. This will help in secretion of digestive juices and hormones that will help to burn the food to generate energy rather than storing it as fat.

3) To give you a feeling of fullness it is important that you eat several servings of fruits and vegetables every day. The fiber content in fruits and vegetable absorb a lot of water and will help to keep your hunger under control. This will also help in proper bowel moments and waste removal.

4) Moderation is the key word when it comes to eating. Don't skip any meals. Eat the foods you like but in moderate quantities. Having multiple mini meals is better than having three large meals. You should include fats, proteins and carbohydrates in your diet. However it is best to keep changing the kind of items you eat instead of eating exactly the same stuff every day.

5) Limit consumption of juices and other beverages with lots of sugar. You may not get any nutrients out of synthetic juices, only empty calories. Instead drink a lot of plain water, this will help in removing toxins from your body. If you are a coffee person then try and shift to green tea. This will help you in achieving your quick weight loss goals much faster.

6) If you have been leading a sedentary lifestyle then it is time to make changes. Start to move around a bit. Start with a simple walk for 20-30 minutes. Slowly you can start doing other aerobic and resistance training exercises. If you are serious about quick weight loss then exercise is a must.

7) To keep track of your progress and to note down what you eat, you should maintain a journal. This will also help you in modifying your goals and objectives if required. Staying persistent and motivated without looking at very short term results will help you a lot in your quick weight loss journey.

Do you want to know more about an idiot proof diet that can produce amazing results for sure? To get access to some amazing fat loss diets that are proven, tried and tested visit my blog by clicking - Healthy Quick Weight Loss Diets.

January Fasting For Quick Weight Loss

It seems that people have a tendency to wake up in January with a food hangover. That's when you realize that all those parties, home cooked meals, and holiday spirits went right to where you don't want them. Or, some folks come to the conclusion that last year they just might have eaten a little too well and now have an extra 5 or 10 pounds that they neither want or need.

If you want to lose those extra pounds quickly, one of the most popular, and for many successful, methods is to go on a few days fast. Fasting has been around forever and probably is one of the first weight loss methods used. And there are many different methods used based on personal preference or even medical considerations.

All fasting should have at least water allowed. Although most people might not be aware of it, drinking more water actually helps your body reduce the amount it stores. The reason is simply, once body realizes that it will get a good quantity of water ever day, it automatically starts flushing out any excess. And that's usually good for a pound or two of weight loss if you haven't been drinking enough water.

Once you have the basic water element, everything else is up for grabs. There are the more famous versions like the Lemonade Diet, several popular supplemental liquid diets, and then your health and beauty magazine flavors of fasting, which are very detailed. The good new about fasting as a method of weight loss is that if properly done, it can flush away a lot toxins and other garbage that you absorb through processed foods.

Two factors to always keep in mind are your current health condition and what impact fasting might have on any necessary medication you take. If you have any type of health issue or problem, always consult with your doctor before attempting any kind of fasting. And some medicines might not work, as they should without food, fiber, or have some other requirements that are missing from any type of fasting.

Fasting can be as simple as just drinking 12-15 glasses of water a day, mixing in some kind of nutrients to provide the minimum nutrition your body needs to operate. The most popular duration seems to be three days for many of the simple fasts. If you choose a longer period, make sure you do get enough nutrition to help keep your metabolism and immune system working.

Common side effects of any fasting method are intense cravings, possible stomach upset or aches, irritability, and lack of energy. Some people feel these more than others based on their daily routine and even what they might do at their job. If you have a very physical occupation, you might want to start any fast on a Friday and go through Sunday.

Many of the more serious fasting routines involve natural laxatives or something to cleanse your colon and bowels. That's probably a good idea in theory but can also be a problem for some. Along with dehydration, other problems can develop if you go too heavy on the cleansing part. Some people may find they are allergic or suffer extreme body functions as a result of too strong a dose of even natural versions of cleansers. Try a very small dose at first and also do some research on what possible side effects any of these type of supplements might have.

Also remember that fasting is a quick fix at best and if you don't change your eating habits the weight will come right back. Someone who has over indulged for the past 2-3 weeks of holidays and wants to drop those extra 5-10 pounds quickly, this is a possible weight loss method that will work.

But if you have more than a few pounds to lose and you struggle with your weight, you need to find a weight loss method that will help you change your eating habits over the long haul. Any effective and safe weight loss program involves cutting back on fatty and high calorie foods, choosing healthier foods, and even exercise to help you burn some additional calories.

Want to know more about the Lemonade Diet? Go here: Free Detox Diet. Ever hear of the Negative Calorie Diet? Find out about it here: Negative Calorie Diet.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Dow

A Fat Burning Program Or a Fast Weight Loss Diet - Which Suits You Better?

Once you have decided to lose weight, your next decision is whether to do a fat burning program or a fast weight loss diet. The two are not the same. They require different approaches.

This article discusses the circumstances that may influence your decision.

Fast Weight Loss Diet: Circumstances Which May Favor a Fast Weight Loss Diet

When people search for a fast weight loss diet, it could be because:

  1. An impending event is looming in the near future and you want to look good for it. It could be a vacation, a wedding, an important social gathering, an important meeting, or a party of some kind, etc
  2. An event has just occurred, during which you overindulged in food and/or drink. That event could be a vacation or the Christmas holiday season, for example
  3. Summer is approaching and you want to look good, or at least better than you look now. During the summer you wear much less clothing than during the other seasons. Your body is more exposed. You will spend alot of time in a bathing suit, shorts, and skimpy tops

Fat Burning Program: Circumstances Which May Favor a Fat Burning Program

When people search for a fat burning program, it could be because:

  • You suffer from a medical condition that will improve by reducing your body fat
  • You are worried about future medical conditions that could arise because of the excess fat that you are carrying
  • You are healthy and fit, but you want to prevent future medical conditions from occurring
  • Your career would be severely affected if you carried excess fat on your body - ie - professional actors, dancers, models, athletes, sportsmen etc
  • You engage in hobbies and activities that are best served by a fit body - ie- surfing, snow boarding and/or skiing, bodybuilding, mountain climbing/rock climbing, sports of any kind, bicycle riding, and outdoor activities of any kind
  • Overall fitness, health, well being, and your appearance is extremely important to you in your life
  • You want permanent weight loss

The Best Way To Lose Weight For You

Considering your circumstances, do you think that a fat burning program will suit you best or would a fast weight loss diet plan suit you better?

You should be aware that a fast weight loss diet does not usually result in permanent weight loss. It is common to put the weight back on when you finish the diet. However, there are circumstances where fast weight loss is what is wanted.

Fat burning programs will produce permanent weight loss, when followed. This eliminates "dieting" forever.
However they require more self discipline and personal commitment than a fast weight loss diet.

Click here to find out if you are ready for a fat burning program

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Hurwit

Triathletes Discover an Easy Way to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Two of my friends are professional triathletes whose livelihood depends on winning or at least placing near the top in multiple triathlons each year. A triathlon is a timed endurance competition consisting of three successive events: an ocean or lake swim, bicycle race, and a distance run. Competitors must be in top physical condition to have a chance of winning.

My friends knew the most important aspect of achieving and maintaining that optimum condition to provide a competitive edge began with their diet - food consumed to provide fuel for the body to convert into energy for strength and endurance. Although they were in excellent physical condition and weight loss was not an issue a specialized diet was still necessary to achieve their goals of winning triathlons.

After following various boring diets they grew tired of the inherent regimentation and monotony that included:

  • Measuring and weighing food
  • Counting calories
  • Concern with food groups
  • Protein and various powder concoctions

Out of frustration advice was sought from experts in the fields of diet, nutrition, and the digestive system to find out whether there was a different type of healthy diet plan that would provide the same or better results only with these characteristics:

  • Less regimentation
  • No special food requirements
  • No pills, powders, or other supplements
  • Did not compromise health and nutrition
  • Easy to follow

The answer was a resounding YES... and it neither involved a diet nor giving up any favorite foods. Paradoxically they found the way to achieve maximum conditioning and endurance without compromising health and nutrition would also result in weight loss where that was the goal.

After implementing these findings by modifying old eating regimens they actually felt more energetic, had greater endurance, experienced a better overall feeling, and won more consistently.

Knowing that most people want more energy and to generally feel better without taking any substances, they told some non-athletic friends about their newly found eating routine. Not only were the same results experienced, their friends began to lose weight as well... and fast.

How and Why It Works
How can people have more energy, feel better, and lose weight by eating common everyday food that they already enjoy without a regimented diet, pre-cooked meals, pills of any sort, and nothing to buy?

Natural Detoxification: The answer starts with the fundamental principle of Natural Hygiene that the human body strives to cleanse itself, heal itself, and maintain itself by continuously getting rid of poisonous waste material from dead cells and undigested food... FAT. This process is called detoxification and is totally dependent on energy. Its efficient operation is critical for achieving and maintaining good health... and losing weight and inches.

Energy - The Key To Gaining and Losing Weight: Normal people gain weight and inches because more food is consumed than is effectively digested and eliminated. The excess must go somewhere and the self-maintaining body stores it in areas where it will have the least affect on normal functioning of vital organs. So, for better or worse, it is deposited in the following places for the world to see:

  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Upper arms
  • Stomach

Every normal human body is truly designed to operate at relative peak performance. Achieving and maintaining that level of performance is a factor of the food consumed and the energy required for its digestion.

Digestion is the most important bodily function and requires more energy than any other function. Accordingly, its demand is always met first, regardless of circumstance. As less energy is required for digestion more is available for cleansing, breaking down, and disposing of built-up toxins... i.e., fat. Conversely, as more energy is required for digestion less of it is available to eliminate toxins and this results in weight gain.

Let The Foods You Love Do The Work: An individual can easily lose as much or as little weight as desired by consuming foods that respectively require less or more energy to digest. This can be accomplished without the monotonous tasks typically associated with traditional diet plans that include:

  • Regimentation
  • Calorie counting
  • Measuring and weighing portions
  • Pills and other supplements
  • Appetite suppressants
  • Pre-cooked frozen meals
  • Continuing expense
  • Dependency

Believe it or not, weight loss can actually be achieved while eating the foods you love... along with increased energy and better health as valuable by-products, and without any dependency.

The Simple Secret To Natural Weight Loss: The secret lies in a basic understanding of detoxification, how the normal digestive process operates, and the role of energy in both. With that understood, knowledge of the foods requiring minimal and maximum energy for digestion is all that is necessary for effective weight loss.

Discover the secret and begin the process towards a thinner and healthier you in No Frills Weight Loss where you'll find that the best diet is not a diet at all. Learn more at http://www.nofrillsweightloss.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stan_Galkin

Five Tips for Easy Weight Loss!

Weight loss is a hot topic among people today, especially considering the fact that more than half of us are overweight. As we get older we often get busier, and before we know it, find ourselves in the prime of our lives and packing a few extra pounds. With so little extra time in our lives it is impractical to join the latest diet fad or commit to sweating in the gym for hours at a time. Are we all destined to grow outward with each passing year, or is there a simple way for us to reclaim our healthy figures? If you struggle with your own battle of the bulge read on for five sure-fire ways to drop a few of those unwanted pounds, and more importantly learn how you can prevent packing them in the first place!

TIP #1: Burn it in the AM.

What is the first thing you do when you wake each morning? Hit the snooze button for an extra ten minutes of sleep? What if I told you that taking those ten minutes to strap on your sneakers and walk briskly around the block would result in weight loss? It has been proven that aerobic activity done on an empty stomach forces your body to recruit energy from storage. This energy is stored in the form of fat on various parts of your body. Starting tomorrow take ten minutes out of your morning to walk briskly around the block before breakfast. Do not sprint or try to walk as quickly as possible, simply walk at a pace that you could comfortably hold a conversation. This seemingly small activity, when done consistently, will produce surprising weight loss results!

TIP #2 Forget Your Late Night Snack.

I know I am not the only one who enjoys eating a snack after dinner! Although comfort food seems to taste better right before bed, it is also more prone to stick with us when eaten late at night. It has been proven that not eating three hours before bed reduces fat storage throughout the night. If you go to bed at 10pm, finish eating for the day no later than 7pm. Once you have made this a habit you will be ecstatic over the long term weight loss!

TIP #3 Kiss that Frappuccino Goodbye.

What tastes better than a frothy, venti frappuccino smothered in whip cream and chocolate syrup? While blended coffee beverages have rapidly gained popularity with the masses, their caloric tallies have been all but ignored. Whether you are an avid Starbucker, or only wander in for an occasional treat, it is important to know the truth about what you are drinking.

The average Venti sized frappuccino weighs in at 530 calories. This staggering number equals 2.5 bagels, or one third of the recommended daily calories for an average woman. Not only is this an extreme amount of calories to be consumed in a beverage but the calories come purely from sugar, which is easily stored as fat. Next time you are in line at the coffee shop and find yourself eyeing a sugary beverage, redirect your attention to the tea selection, or stick with an old fashioned cup of coffee.

TIP #4 Fuel Your Fire.

Have you ever tended a campfire? You probably remember continuously adding sticks and branches to keep the fire from running out of fuel. Your body's metabolism is similar in its need for constant fuel. Eating a small meal every three hours is a great way to keep your metabolism high all day long. When your metabolism is high you burn more calories throughout the day and are less likely to store fat. Rather than eating 2 or 3 large meals a day, and allowing your �fire' to go out, giving way to hunger pains, try eating a small meal every three hours and be amazed at your weight loss results.

TIP #5 Curb Your Carbs

I'm sure sometime in the past year you have found yourself subjected to the testimony of a converted �low-carb' enthusiast. While these people may look great it is definitely not the right diet for everyone. Extreme fatigue, crankiness and downright impracticality are what make this diet a tough cookie to swallow. Cutting one or two carb-filled items out of your daily diet can make a huge difference in meeting weight loss goals. While I wouldn't recommend throwing out your bread basket entirely, consciously cutting carb-filled items out of your daily food intake is a great idea. If you normally have a sandwich for lunch make it open-faced, thus cutting out half of the bread. If you enjoy eating pasta for dinner reduce your pasta portion and add extra vegetables. These minor changes to your daily diet will prove themselves priceless when you step onto the scale!

It is you against the bulge, and now that you are armed with these 5 tips for easy weight loss, I am confident that you are going to win! Keep in mind that consistency is the key. The more effort that you put into implementing these 5 tips into your daily lifestyle, the quicker the unwanted pounds will disappear!

Diana Keuilian, author, ACE certified Personal Trainer, and co-founder of HitechTrainer.com offers online personal training and nutrition programs that fit your budget and schedule. Whether your goal is to lose weight, firm and tone, or to build muscle, HitechTrainer.com will build a custom designed program just for you.

Visit: http://www.hitechtrainer.com/ and begin meeting your fitness goals today!