How to Lose Weight Fast - 3 Easy Tips to Reduce Fat Quickly

People ask me all the time the question, "how to lose weight fast?" They see the more than 40 lbs that I have lost and want to replicate my success for themselves. I lost all that weight in around 4 months so let me share with you three of my personal tips for shedding the pounds quickly.

Tip 1 - Recognize That You Have An Addiction

A lot of people don't believe me when I say that people who are overweight actually have an addiction. But I know it is true because I used to be a smoker myself also.
When you eat too much of the wrong foods or just too much food generally, when you eat more than your body is demanding from you (in terms of hunger) because you are still seeking the pleasure from it - then you basically have an addiction.

A tip that helped me get out of this addiction was to gradually steer myself away from modern, processed food which is full of adulterants that sustain an addiction.

Look, I'm not a vegetarian or anything and I still eat junk food but I also eat more white bread than brown bread, more fruits (but not vegetables, I need to work on that) etc.

Look at a skinny person's basket in the supermarket and buy some of what they have. Gradually you can conquer this old way of life (the addiction) by making such small changes.

Tip 2 - Eat Only When You're Hungry

I alluded to this just above.

Basically, your feel hunger when your body needs food. But that doesn't mean that you need to immediately stuff your face. It also doesn't mean that you should keep on eating beyond the point where you no longer have any hunger.

Too many people eat to the point of feeling full and often beyond. If you feel full then it means that you ate too much and your body is showing its discomfort.

One way around this is to eat half meal sizes. They will give you just the right amount of food that you eat. Then you can eat the same again around 3 to 4 hours later.

Tip 3 - Don't Go Overboard With Exercise

It's actually one of the biggest myths around that the way to lose weight is to hit the gym. Have you ever seen the calorie counter on a gym machine? You've been pounding on it for one hour and have burned only 300 calories! Cutting out a single chocolate bar would have the same effect!

Leave the exercise until later, until after you have lost the weight. You don't need additional stresses right now. And when you do decide to do more exercise (because it is healthy after all) then do it for recreation, for fun or otherwise you will just resent it and give up within days or weeks.

Fed up of being a fatty? See the amazing before and after photos of myself and get my free report and more tips for losing weight detailing exactly how I lost 44 lbs in 4 months here: